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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Bite Code!

Was actually reading this because Arch is pretty much the only distro which I haven't tried yet, but want to. But I'm shying back from the effort to install it. Recently a guy on Reddit told me: "Go for it, it's not that hard to install". Sure, if there wasn't this "law of complications" that generally exists in IT and dev stuff (and life).

But nice piece of wisdom here. Thanks for sharing!

I read a book summary on Blinkist a while ago which was about emotions. The book stated that it is definitely scientifically proven for quite a while now that humans work to a pretty big degree through emotions. That was kind of an eye opener for me.

Interestingly "being emotional" is used a lot to pin down other people. It happens everywhere. So it's good also for that reason to have the above knowledge in my/one's pocket.

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