why no invoke?

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Doit has a few features invoke doesn't, like file deps and targets. It's also more declarative.

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Could you please help me with providing pos_arg to targets? So i want to compile deps using pip-tools and for this task i provide pos_arg as filename. How to dynamically set targets based on filename?


def task_compile_deps():

return {

'actions': [


'pip-compile -q --allow-unsafe --generate-hashes --strip-extras '

'--output-file=requirements/%(filename)s.txt requirements/%(filename)s.in'



'pos_arg': 'filename',

'targets': ['requirements/%(filename)s.txt'],



It does not work.

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Targets are unfortunately not interpolated. The easiest way to do it is to provide an "up_to_date" function:


import os

def task_process_file():

return {

'actions': [f"echo %(filename)s"],

'pos_arg': 'filename',

'uptodate': [lambda task: not os.path.exists(task.pos_arg)]



For non positional arguments, task_params is the solution: https://pydoit.org/task-args.html#task-creator-parameters

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Wow, those comments are really bad for code

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Thanks for the great blog!

You've got a missing comma after 'command two' in the first block of code in the "Scaling down" section.

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And because Python automatically concatenate those strings, it would have been very hard to debug for most readers, so thanks for catching that.

At the beginning i didn't open the comments because I didn't want to moderate them, but for now I only had very constructive and helpful ones.

The substack community has been super sweet so far.

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